
Saturday, August 16, 2014

16 August 2014 ~ Closing of Candlestick

Listening to: Paul McCartney ~ Day Tripper (14 August 2014, Candlestick Park, SF)

 I attended the Paul McCartney concert at Candlestick Park. It was so fun, despite the traffic.

The final event at Candlestick Park, former home to the 49'ers football team. It's also the last place the Beatles performed a concert in August 1966.

Traffic was terrible, so got out of the car and walked about 7 blocks to get to the stadium.

This was my first time to attend any event at Candlestick. They didn't cover the grass, and I tried to take a few blades of turf home, but they didn't make it in my pocket.

It was a packed house.

I was there! Had seats on the infield, probably around the 40 yard line. This is near the Official Tour Merchandise stand. I didn't buy anything.

 This was given to us on the way out. It took 1 1/2 hours to get out of the park. Long, long night.

There are a few good YouTube posts out there of the show from Tina Case (no, I don't know her). Thanks for sharing Tina!


