
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

21 April 2015 ~ Please Protect the Rhinos

Listening to: Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee ~ Walkin' My Blues Away

"And I know the sun's gonna shine in my back door some day."

It's also Good-Bye 50 Eve.

Yes, Rhinos throughout Africa are under 24 guard by men with machine guns against the poachers. I just read an article this week that there is one last northern white rhino in Sudan, but may be too old to mate. These are beautiful animals that should not be destroyed.

When I went out the first time to see the only 8 existing white rhinos in Zambia, I was led out in single file. My friends were off swimming towards the edge of Victoria Falls, so I was by myself. A little scary to say the least.

But what an amazing sight and experience to see these beautiful animals up close and personal. A friend of a friend has a non-profit to save the Rhino. I beseech all of you to speak out against animal horn use for any purpose except belonging to the animal. They are not to be hunted for any reason.

The second day my friends did get to go with me. See, it looks like we are on the same death march as the rhinos themselves.

What an experience. I'm trying not to look scared as the Rhino approaches me from behind