4/29/2007 ~ Beijing: Jingshan Park
On the Rio: Odetta ~ Take This Hammer
Today I walked to the French grocery store, Carrefour; it's about 4 miles away. I stocked up on certain items I can't get at my regular international grocery: tortilla chips, salsa, refried beans and tequila (yes, in preparation for Cinco de Mayo); mustard and pickles and pitas. I still can't find graham crackers, as I want to make my co-workers a cheesecake. Anyone have suggestions for another type of crust to use?
I had to answer questions for one of my on-line banks this week, you know, those "reminder" questions. Well, one was, "What was your high school mascot?" So I answered, "Golden Beaver". They rejected it saying I couldn't use profanity! I'm so insulted.
Looks like the Wizards are not going to get past round one in the playoffs. By the way, I ended up in second place in the private fantasy league, and first in the public league. Go Shanghai China Cats!
Here are the final pictures of Beijing. It took me 6 hours to make it through the entire Forbidden City. Here is the view from Jinghsan (Prospect) Hill, across the way, which I some how still had energy to climb.
And this is a view of Beijing.
This is one of six pavilions in Jingshan Park.
At the park entrance, people gather to dance. Mostly waltzes. I've seen this in Shanghai as well, especially on a warm evening. I tried not to be too obvious taking pictures, and was experimenting more with black&white. Hope you feel the rhythm.
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