
Saturday, June 16, 2012

16 June 2012 ~ Grand Palace

Listening to: Paul Pena ~ New Train

The Grand Palace complex in Bangkok was established in 1782 and consists of the royal residence and a number of government offices.

Sentries are always on duty.

At the upper terrace, one of the main monuments is a reliquary [shrine] in the shape of a golden chedi [mound-like structure containing Buddhist relics].

Outside the Royal Monastery of the Emerald Buddha is a bowl of water that people will dip a lotus flower in and then drip the water onto their heads for a blessing.

The Emerald Buddha is enshrined on a golden traditional Thai-style throne made of gilded-carved wood, known as a Busabok. The sacred image is clad with one of three seasonal costumes, and changed in a ceremony presided over by His Majesty the King.

The Emerald Buddha is in fact carved from a block of green jade and was first discovered in 1434.