
Thursday, July 19, 2012

19 July 2012 ~ Horicon Marsh

Listening to: Jerry Garcia Acoustic Band ~ Oh The Wind And The Rain

One afternoon some family members embarked on a scenic drive and we went through Horicon Marsh.

Presently, the marsh is 32,000 acres in area, most of it open water and cattail marsh.

The refuges are known for their many species of birds, especially ducks, great blue herons, and Canadian geese, as well as fish, frogs, snakes, turtles, mammals, insects and plants.

I remember coming to the Marsh on school trips and either hiking along trails or on a canoe trip.

On this afternoon we took a walk on the Egret Trail and Floating Boardwalk.

The water levels are extremely low due to the excessive heat and lack of rain in the region.

I saw some birds, but mostly swallows and red winged black birds and a few egrets. I've never seen a muskrat...

What I saw the most of was FROGS!! Really this time. Not only do I have a picture of them, but my sister was there as a witness.

Here is the famous Leopard Frog.

After the daytrip we all went out for dinner.