
Saturday, March 08, 2014

8 March 2014 ~ International Woman's Day

Listening to: Ruthie Foster ~ Walk On

Women's equality has made positive gains but the world is still unequal. International Women's Day celebrates the social, political and economic achievements of women while focusing world attention on areas requiring further action.
Inspiring Change is the 2014 theme and encourages advocacy for women's advancement everywhere in every way. It calls for challenging the status quo for women's equality and vigilance inspiring positive change.
Although celebration of this day is almost non-existent in the US, I do recall when I was in Kazakhstan for the celebration. The university men brought in food and drink, and prepared the lunch table for us (I suspect their wives actually made the food however). We spent lunch toasting glasses of vodka. The men did all the clean up as well, and us girls all went shopping and then took naps.
I just found out a colleague at Workday published a book, "Vodka Diplomacy", about her time in Russia.
Heading for work the other morning, although I was running late, noticed these intertwined snails at the bottom of my stairs. Spring is in the air?

I also pass by a tree a lot with a sign, and finally was able to stop and read the placard.

Annie Maybeck waged a city campaign to save the natural trees from street paving. "Bend the road, divide the lots, place the houses to accommodate them!"

The original tree died in 1985, but was replaced with a tree of the same species, a cost live oak.

Out running errands yesterday, I spotted this beautiful water fountain.