On the Rio:
Kingfish ~ Jump For Joy
On Monday I did a day trip outside of Bangkok proper. The first stop was a Coconut Plantation.
Here is a "ladder" to climb up to get the coconuts. I remember when we went to Hawaii to the Cultural Center and they climbed the trees by shimmying up. This seems much easier and practical.
Here they are making brown sugar from the coconut oil by boiling it down.

And a close up of the concoction.

The coconuts are rubbed against the "tongue" of the rabbit to shred, and then it is squeezed into the tin cup for the milk. Coconut milk is quite popular in Thai cooking.
The oil is also "processed" to be sold "for sunbath and hair treatment".

Here are the discarded coconuts.

My guide explained these are "fighting fish". Neighbors will place bets, the fish are put into the same glass aquarium, and will display their fins and fight until one runs away. A lot of gambling goes on with these fish. My guide said it is as popular as cock fights and betting on Thai boxing matches. Cardboard must be placed between the bottles to prevent the fish from "attacking".

Here is one flower I thought particularly pretty.

This skull was on display but not for sale.
Here are some items that were on display and for sale. But I didn't buy anything from here.

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