
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

18 August 2015 ~ Stratosphere

Listening to: Jeff Beck ~ I Ain't Superstitious

I also ain't crazy. But somehow I managed to go on a jump off the Stratosphere Tower in Las Vegas. This is a free fall SkyJump thrill from the 108th floor (855 feet).

Here we are waiting for our jump turns.

And right before I'm supposed to step off the platform.

Although the brochure and certificate I received says I'm entitled to "lifetime immunity from being called chicken, scaredy cat, wimp and any other monikers that might imply less than crazy brave", I have to admit I could not step off the ledge. My mind wouldn't let my body do it, even if I closed my eyes.

So, the nice gentleman next to me said they would "help" me. They hoisted me up, turned me around to face the tower, and then 3 seconds later, free falling.

Here's a video to prove I did it!!


Did I enjoy it? Yes, quite the rush.

Would I do it again? Absolutely NOT.