
Thursday, February 15, 2007

2/15/2007 ~ Elephant Ride

On the Rio: English Beat ~ I Confess
After the waterfall, we went for a short hike in the national park "jungle".

Our guide peeled off stick of bark from the cinnamon tree for us to smell.

I got to swing on the tree vines.

When we re-emerged from the jungle, several monkeys hanging out at the trail entrance. There are also elephant and cobra crossing signs through the park, but we didn't see any. We did see a pair of deer across the lake, however.Lunch consisted of Tom Yum soup, egg rolls, scrambled eggs with tomatoes and peppers, rice, and cashew chicken.
And then it was time for the elephant ride!

We went through the jungle and then into a river.

Digby & Robin were behind us, and their elephant kept spraying us with water!

I chose not to be the "driver", but enjoyed the ride tremendously.

She was a very gentle, 55 year old elephant.

Before leaving the park, I had to have my foot inspected and groomed by one of the "residents". It tickled.