22 Nov 2011 ~ Power of Attorney (POA) - for a BIRD
Listening to: Bob Dylan ~ Idiot Wind ~ Blood on the Tracks
The saga of moving Skye here continues. Because she is a rare type of lovebird, I need to obtain a special USDA export permit, as I think I mentioned will take an additional 2 months. So instead of her arriving next week, it now looks like early February. In order to get this permit, I had to obtain a Power of Attorney so the Pet Relocation company can act on my behalf.
I cannot wait for Skye to be here and share my adventure, especially since I have lots of birds hanging out in the trees and plants around me. Although experience has shown me the other birds will be more interested in her than she is with them.
Which leads to the reason I went to the American Consulate today. I took off work for 2 hours to get this POA notarized. According to the map it was a 15 minute walk from my flat, which actually took 45 minutes for me to navigate (but did take me 15 minutes to get home).
After going through security, which for a citizen is just showing your passport, turning off and surrendering your phone (and Swiss army knife my case), you then stand in a short line to inform them of what you need. They call you to the window. For some reason, I needed an additional witness (which seems silly, since isn't that the purpose of the notary?), so I asked a random guy sitting in the lounge to be my witness. He was happy to oblige.
Then I had to pay, and then get my witness to watch the signature and stamp.
On the walk home, I saw this incredible tree growth...wow...they are actually growing out of the bricks! Nature is amazing.
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